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Parshas Noach

October 21, 2023 * 6 Cheshvan, 5784


Candle Lighting: 6:27PM

Mincha: 6:30PM


Shabbos October 21st

Shacharis: 9:00AM

Kiddush following davening

Mincha: 6:15PM

Shalosh Seudos following Mincha

Motzei Shabbos: 7:25PM


Week of October 22 - 27

Shacharis: Sun: - 8:15AM I Mon & Thurs: 6:45AM I Tues, Wed, Fri: 6:50

Mincha/Maariv: Sun - Thur: 6:25PM

Dvar Torah

At the end of this week’s Parsha, we are told the story of the generation after the flood which tried to build a tower in order to fight Hashem. The Midrash tells us that Avraham tried to convince the people to believe in Hashem and abandon their wicked plans. However, his  words were not listened to and the people responded to Avraham by mocking him for being childless. They reasoned that certainly if Hashem existed or truly possessed  powers, he would not allow his  one faithful servant to go unrewarded. 

The response of the tower builders seems rather strange. Why would they even feel the need to respond to Avraham? Avraham was the lone voice talking about  G-d in a world where everyone else was non-believers. Why couldn’t they simply  ignore Avraham and carry on without responding?

Rav Henoch Lebowitz Zt’l explains that the truth is impossible to ignore. Despite being in the   majority, the sinners would be unable to resist the truth of Avraham’s words without taking steps to negate the credibility of the source. The  truth will always inevitably make its way into  a person's heart and force them to change unless they find some way to rid the world of that truth.

The purpose of the Jewish people’s existence is to be a light unto the nations. We are Hashem’s ambassadors to spread the truth of the Torah and the truth of Hashem’s supreme rulership across the world.  Despite us being a small minority  of the world population, the light of truth which we carry is impossible to  ignore by anyone who has a heart and a mind. The only response that our enemies can come up with is to attempt to wipe us from the face of the earth.  However, Hashem always protects us and the truth will alway win.

As we try to get through these difficult times, let us not lose sight of our mission to spread Hashem’s light to the world through davening, learning, and acts of kindness. No matter how much our enemies try, with Hashem’s help we will ultimately be victorious and live to see the day when Hashem is accepted as king by the entire world. 

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

Rabbi Moshe Yachnes

Merits for our Brothers and Sisters in Israel

Our Rabbis and leaders have told us that the most important thing we can do right now is pray and learn Torah in the merit of our brother and sisters in Israel. We must pray for the success and safety of the IDF as the war proceeds and we also must pray for those who have been wounded and taken hostage.

We strongly encourage everyone to consider taking on one of the following:

  • Making more of an effort to daven with a minyan
  • Setting aside extra time for Torah learning
  • Reciting tehillim daily
  • Prayer and giving charity before lighting Shabbos candles

We also encourage everyone to join the Ahavas Sholom Tehillim Club which will be meeting this Shabbos after Kiddush (see flyer below).


Thank you to the Ahavas Sholom Sisterhood for co-sponsoring and setting up this week's kiddush!

Shalosh Seudos

Sponsored by:

David Mendel

In Memory of his Father, Leon E. Mendel (Leib Yekhiel Ben Yitzhak), whose 30th Yahrzeit is on the 6th of Cheshvan.

Community Events

CTA and Gan Ephraim

Columbus Jewish Historical Society

Click to order tickets

Eruv of Columbus

Click here to become a Columbus Eruv member!


Thank you to all who made donations during this past month!

Click to see the full list of donations



Please submit the names of cholim for the misheberach on Shabbos to by 1PM on Thursday. The list will be renewed weekly. The gabbai will read the names on the list and pause to allow people to add names from their seats.

If you know of anyone who is need of a visit or support, please email this information to


To sponsor a shiur in honor of a yahrzeit, birthday or

simcha please click HERE

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784