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Welcome to Congregation Ahavas Sholom!

Congregation Ahavas Sholom is a vibrant, authentic orthodox synagogue committed to providing a warm, inclusive and engaging spiritual home to all. We joyfully strive to be the main venue in central Ohio for enthusiastic Torah learning, heartfelt prayer, and deeply meaningful life cycle events, where spiritual growth, performance of mitzvot, acts of chesed, support for the state of Israel, and community engagement are highly valued.

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Upcoming Events

111th Anniversary Annual Gala

Sunday September 15, 6pm

Honoring   Dr. Mendy & Simha Wolf  and Sheila Cutler

Rabbi Dr. Mendy and Simha Wolf and their children moved to Columbus 5 years ago. Shortly after settling in Columbus, they became proud members of Ahavas Sholom.

They felt welcomed and found the true meaning of community at Ahavas Sholom. Now that they have made a home in Columbus, they strive to spread that same feeling of community, unity, warmth, and inclusivity to the ever-growing Ahavas Sholom family.

Sheila grew up in Columbus, a member of the second graduating class of Columbus Torah Academy. She still has a warm spot in her heart for our Jewish community, and Ahavas Sholom. She and her siblings, Ira Nutis and Jodi Karmia, learned to give back to the community from their parents Frank and Boots Nutis, z"l.

Sheila Cutler’s life reflects her deep commitment to family, community service, and her passion for animal welfare. 

We are proud to honor these giving, caring individuals.

Please join us in honoring them by placing an ad in our gala journal. Please click the links below to read their full bios and to place your ad/RSVP

Click to place your ad/RSVP


The building update is mostly done! Thank you for your patience. There are still touch ups needed to be done 

		                            <span class="slider_description">Newly renovated sanctuary</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Newly painted social hall</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Inviting, warm, toddler classroom with new carpet and paint</span>


Log BaOmer BBQ


Purim - Around the World!


Avos U'Banim


Recent Events


Today's Calendar

: 6:50am
: 7:15pm

This week's Torah portion is Parshas Ki Savo

Shabbos, Sep 21

Candle Lighting

Friday, Sep 20, 7:13pm


Motzei Shabbos, Sep 21, 8:10pm
View Calendar


Alos Hashachar 5:55am
Earliest Tallis 6:27am
Netz (Sunrise) 7:16am
Latest Shema 10:20am
Zman Tefillah 11:22am
Chatzos (Midday) 1:25pm
Shkiah (Sunset) 7:34pm
Tzais Hakochavim 8:14pm
More >>


Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784