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		                            <span class="slider_description">Yom Kippur Kids Program</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="" class="slider_link"
		                            	Click here to sign up		                            </a>

		                            <span class="slider_description">Yom Kippur Break the Fast Meal</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a  data-cke-saved-href="" href="" class="slider_link"
		                            	Click here to RSVP		                            </a>

		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">		                                    Women's Shavuos Shiur		                                </span>		                                		                                		                                		                            	                            			                            <span class="slider_description">Thursday 5pm Ariella Nutis home,350 S Stanwood Rd</span>

		                                		                                    <a href=""
		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Shavuos Second Day Dairy Luncheon		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Special Torah Treasure Hunt for children, Ice cream bar for dessert</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="" class="slider_link"
		                            	RSVP/Sponsor		                            </a>

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		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Sourdough Workshop		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">All profits go to Israel</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="" class="slider_link"
		                            	Sponsor here		                            </a>

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		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Lag Ba Omer BBQ		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Family fun with Bonfire, Marshmallows, Music, BBQ</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a  data-cke-saved-href="" href="" class="slider_link"
		                            	Click here to RSVP		                            </a>


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Make your Pesach preparations easier and join us for a delicious Shabbos HaGadol Kiddush Luncheon on Shabbos, April 9!

Click here to RSVP or Sponsor

Please join us Shabbos Nachamu, July 24, for our first Shabbos Kiddush lunch in over a year.  We are excited to again celebrate Shabbat in shul with family, friends and a delicious  meal.

The tentative menu planned by Pearl and Avi Benmoshe is:

Israeli salad, tossed salad, humus, PIta and rolls, Israeli dips, chicken shwarma,  Sephardic and Ashkenaz cholents, Meat bourekas,  Yerushalmy kugel, watermelon, desserts, and more. 


Your donations are already being used to renovate our shul kitchen. 

Thank you to our matching donors!

The Ahavas Sholom Sisterhood

William Schottenstein

Susan Bonowitz in honor of Sppencer and Austin Eppstein, and refuah shleima for her brother Asher Binyamin ben Chana


Thank you to our donors!

All donations listed including their double match:

Ruth & Buddy Adler $72 in honor of Karan & Paul Tanenbaum and Julie & Phil Weinerman for all they do for our shul. With love and gratitude from the Adler family!

Mousa & Shelly Aframian $216

Ahavas Sholom Brotherhood $1,000

Anonymous $1000 in merit for a complete refuah for eah Danielle bas Chava

Anonymous $200

Leslie and Dan Chase $500 in Honor of Phil & Julie Weinerman's dedication to the shul. Special thank you to Paul & Karan Tanenbaum, Avi & Perle Benmoshe and Jeff Polster for all their hard work in getting the kitchen project underway and to the Kitchen Committee folks for helping to make this a reality.

Rick & Sherri Cohen $200 in memory of George B. Cohen, father; and Andrew R. Cohen, brother z"l

Izzy & Samantha Cousin $360 in honor of their dear parents

Rabbi Avrohom & Hope Drandoff $200 in honor of Rabbi & Shira Claman

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef & Miriam Feigenbaum $72

Rabbi Yehuda & Nechama Fried $108

Yitzchak Gold $240 in memory of parents, Philip & Anna Gold, z"l and $72 in memory of father-in-law, R' Moshe ben Rut z"l

Debbie & Josh Grashin $500 in honor of Zoe's first birthday

Agnes & Jonathan Hartstein $108 in memory of grandparents Doris Dreifus and Max Neubauer z"l

Dotan & Shari Herszage $720 in honor of their children and with gratitude to the Weinermans and the Tanenbaums for their devotion to Ahavas Sholom

Rabbi Hillel & Rivky Kapenstein $72

Edgar and Sofiya Karpovich $200 in honor of Kathy & Paul Pollack

Gabor Klein $2,000 in memory of Imre Klein z"l

Lev Kucherski $2,000 in honor of his wife Lidia

Rebecca & Raanan Lefkovitz $500 in honor of their parents 

Yaakov & Shelley Levey $72 in honor of Yitzy Cooper putting on tefillin

Yael and Yhezkel Levi $360 In honor of our parents, Dr. Zeev and Galia Davidovitch and Avraham (Z”L) and Doris Levi

Rabbi Henoch & Chaya Morris $72

Ed & Jodi Karmia $360 in memory of Boots & Frank Nutis z”l

Kathy & Paul Pollack $2,000 in honor of Michael Berenstein and in the hope of his return to a new Ahavas Sholom kitchen

Miriam & David Portman $500 in honor of their dear sister and brother in law Julie & Phil Weinerman for all you do for our shul and community

Ron & Laurie Reitman $72 in honor of all who work so hard in the kitchen.

Sonny & Ellen Romanoff $108 in honor of all the individuals who have given of their time and efforts to prepare special food with love for our congregants, their families and guests

Susan & Alex Rosen $500 in appreciation to HaShem for everyone who is recovering from COVID

Chaviva Rosenberg $200 In honor of Yehuda's engagement to Estie Kupfer of Cleveland

Andrew & Tricia Rosentein $200 in honor of their 4 granddaughters and their friends in Columbus.

Victor & Susan Schmelzer $500 in honor of Hannah Schmelzer making aliyah.

Josh Seidemann $200 in memory of Ruth Seidemann and Ethel Rising z"l 

Harold & Elaine Shindel $200 in honor of Rabbi David & Shira Claman

Steve and Anne Shulman $108

Daniel Silberstein $720 in memory of Michelle Gross z"l

Paul & Karan Tanenbaum $2,000

Nnamdi Umeh $200

Philip & Julie Weinerman $4,000 in honor of a new kitchen to again share joyous occasions together

Cherie & Steven Winter $360 in honor of their dear friend, Andrew Rosenstein’s special birthday

Alan & Julie Wittert $108 in honor of the warm welcome they received from the community 

Diana D'Angelo Wolff $72 in memory of Joel Gabriel Wolff z"l

Rabbi Yitzhak & Tzivi Zuckerman $72 in honor of Rabbi Claman's efforts for Avos Ubanim


Click HERE to donate today, so one day in the near future we can again enjoy Shabbos meals and simchas together, with an updated and clean new kitchen. 

Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Appeal  2019

Our Kol Nidre Appeal helps fund the programs that benefit you, the shul and the entire Columbus Jewish community.  Tzedakah is a cornerstone of these days of awe:

תשובה ותפלה וצדקה מעבירין את רועה הגזירה
Repentance, Prayer and Charity avert the severity of the decree


Please give generously.  May you and your loved ones be judged favorably for a happy, healthy and productive new year. 

Click here for your Kol Nidre pledge. 

Please click here to see our first virtual ad journal, honoring Eddie and Lily Friedman and Gary Covel


Get in the Chanukah mood and enjoy a delicious Shabbos dinner with family and friends.

Dreidles, chocolate gelt and lots of fun.

Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Appeal  2019

Our Kol Nidre Appeal helps fund the programs that benefit you, the shul and the entire Columbus Jewish community.  Tzedakah is a cornerstone of these days of awe:

תשובה ותפלה וצדקה מעבירין את רועה הגזירה
Repentance, Prayer and Charity avert the severity of the decree


Please give generously.  May you and your loved ones be judged favorably for a happy, healthy and productive new year. 

Click here for your Kol Nidre pledge. 

Welcome Back to School  Community Kiddush Lunch                                                         

All are invited to a delicious kiddush luncheon with family and friends onShabbos, August 25 in honor of a great start to a new school year.

Consider sponsoring in honor of your child or grandchild with the grade they are entering to be listed and announced!


Cholent, meat chili, veggie chili, shwarma, chumus, schug, salad bar, challah rolls, pita, pasta, brownies, fresh fruit

Ahavas Sholom Gala 2018 

Ahavas Sholom honored Yosef and Emunah Murray, for all their work for the shul,   and honored Josh and Debbie Grashin with a young leadership award. 

Click here to see all the gala 2018 photos          

Chanuka  Bingo       SUNDAY DECEMBER 17 12:30-3PM 


Click here to see all the Chanukah Bingo Photos


Wine and Cheese  + Bourbon  Special Evening  Photos


Update this content.



Ahavas Sholom Gala  2016 Installing Rabbi and Shira ClamanYouTube video of  photos


Purim Videos


Purim  Photos


Rabbi  Mordecha Willig  at the Annual Shul Gala



  Sponsored by  Gary & Lana Covel, in blessed memory of Gary’s father, Harold S. Covel and Sandy Lefkowitz, in memory of his mother, Anne Lefkowitz, Chana Bas David on occasion of their yahrzeits.       




Fri, January 17 2025 17 Teves 5785