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Parshas Bechukosai - Shabbos Mevorchim

June 1, 2024, Iyar 24, 5784


Mincha: 7:05 PM

Earliest Candle Lighting: 7:22 PM

Candle Lighting: 8:36 PM


Shabbos June 1st

Shacharis: 9:00AM

Enhanced Kiddush following davening

Pirkei Avos Shiur: 7:50PM

Mincha: 8:20PM

Shalosh Seudos following Mincha

Motzei Shabbos: 9:44PM


Week of June 2 - 7

Shacharis: Sun: 8:15AM, Mon, Thurs, & Fri (Rosh Chodesh): 6:45AM,

Tues & Wed: 6:50AM

Mincha/Maariv: Sun - Thur: 8:40PM

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Dvar Torah by Rabbi Gabay

Dear Friends,


In the corporate world, performance reviews are a familiar ritual for anyone working in medium to large companies. Each year, employees undergo evaluations to assess their performance, highlighting areas of strength and identifying opportunities for improvement. However, workplaces are reconsidering how they evaluate performance in our evolving work environment, especially post-COVID, where remote work is commonplace alongside traditional office settings. There is a real danger that biases and skewed evaluations may arise, mainly where individuals in the office receive higher scores simply because they have more face time with their superiors.


At first glance, Parshat Bechukotai reads like a divine performance review: if we observe the Torah, we merit prosperity, peace, and flourishing in Eretz Yisrael; if we don't, the opposite ensues. This raises a significant question that puzzled some of the greatest commentators, including Rambam, Maharsha, and Ohr Hachaim: how do we reconcile this parsha with the conclusion of the Talmud in Kiddushin 39b, which states, "שכר מצוה בהאי עלמא ליכא" – there is no reward for mitzvot in this world, as the reward is in Olam Haba (the world to come)?


Rambam offers a profound insight based on a halacha in Hilchot Taaniyot (1:3), suggesting that if a person views a national tragedy as "merely a natural phenomenon and this difficulty as merely a chance occurrence, this is a cruel conception of things, which causes them to remain attached to their wicked deeds." They adopt a callous outlook that prevents them from examining their own behavior. This perspective can be extrapolated to our daily lives. While we cannot directly attribute specific events to rewards or consequences for our actions, each experience is an opportunity for introspection and personal growth.


Rabbi Soloveitchik is well-known to have said that the appropriate response in challenging times is not to ask "Lamah" (why) but "Lemah" (for what purpose). Rather than focusing on the cause of events, we should reflect on what we can learn from them to improve ourselves. The events in our lives, whether perceived as blessings or curses, are not definitive performance reviews. They should not be seen as indicators of our inherent goodness or shortcomings. Instead, they serve as calls for a "Cheshbon hanefesh," a personal performance review that allows us to assess our actions, learn from our experiences, and strive for personal growth.


Rambam advises us to engage in this introspection, especially during times of crisis. However, when positive things happen in our lives, it is equally important to seize the opportunity for self-reflection. Regular self-performance reviews, whether prompted by challenging or positive experiences, can guide us on a path of growth and resilience. They enable us to improve continuously through both good times and challenging times. Our experiences, whether positive or negative, are not performance evaluations but opportunities for introspection, learning, and growth as we strive to become better versions of ourselves.


Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos,

Rabbi Shlomo Gabay

Enhanced Kiddush

Sponsored by:

The Berenstein Family

In memory of Michael’s mother and Natalie’s grandmother, Tille Berenstein, Toyba bas Yitzchak, a”h, on her 30th Yahrzeit (25 Iyar), this Motza’ei Shabbos and Sunday and in memory of Michael’s father-in-law and Natalie’s grandfather, Dr. Irving Seff, Yitzchak Yisroel ben Yaakov Yehudah, z”l, on his 45th Yahrzeit (28 Iyar), Yom Yerushalayim

Thank you to the Ahavas Sholom Sisterhood for co-sponsoring and setting up this week's kiddush!

Shalosh Seudos

Sponsored by:

David and Debbie Grashin

In memory of David’s mother, Masha bas Shlomo, A”H, whose 35th Yahrzeit starts on Monday night, the 27th day of Iyar

If you are interested in sponsoring shalosh seudos, please contact Yitz Gold at

Sourdough Workshop - This Sunday!

Special pre-Shavuos Sourdough workshop - fully booked

Graduation Shabbos Kiddush

Next Week June 8th

Please send additional names of those graduating to Rabbi Gabay at or the shul office

Women's Summer Shiur Series - Next Week

Shavuos Luncheon - Save the Date

Click here to RSVP or help sponsor the Shavuos luncheon

Contacting Rabbi Gabay

If you would like to contact Rabbi Gabay via email, please email:


You can also reach Rabbi Gabay via phone/text at 614-592-2694


Would you like to connect or join our growing team of volunteers?

If you would like to bring your talent, or help out with events or other areas of Ahavas Sholom's growth, please reach out to Rabbi Gabay via phone or email.  


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Columbus Torah Academy

Buckeye Kosher

Eruv of Columbus

Click here to become a Columbus Eruv member!


Thank you to all who made donations during the past month!

May Donations



Please submit the names of cholim for the misheberach on Shabbos to by 1PM on Thursday. The list will be renewed weekly. The gabbai will read the names on the list and pause to allow people to add names from their seats.


If you know of anyone who is need of a visit or support, please email this information to


To sponsor a shiur in honor of a yahrtzeit, birthday, simcha please click HERE

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784