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Ahavas Sholom- Fun Family Outing,  Columbus Clippers Baseball Game with free tickets,  Sunday June 11, 1:05 pm

Ahavas Sholom has arranged free group tickets to see the Columbus Clipppers baseball game June 11,  thanks to the generosity of the Zelda Dubin Fund at the Columbus Jewish Foundation.

Tickets (and lunch boxes if you reserved them with Chani) can be picked up at the shul Sunday 11:30am to 12:30 pm from Simha Wolf.  

WARNING:  as of 6/8/2023 no more tickets are available unless someone cancels.  You can still rsvp, but know the new requests may or may not be fulfilled.  Thank you. 


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Mon, December 9 2024 8 Kislev 5785